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This service is aimed to people wishing to entrust the construction of their property as well as all of their interior decoration to professionals in the field. We support you from the beginning to the end of your construction, to ensure a perfect take over of your project. Together, we carry out the plans, and choose the materials to create your dream house.

We imagine with you the decoration and the atmosphere that you want in your interior. Thus, we advise you and guide you on the choice of colors and furniture, to better adapt to your desires and needs.

What are the procedures ?

1st step : Meeting with CVS Company to set up your construction project*

  • Meeting with the architect and the technical director to determine your project
  • Briefing on the style of villa or apartment desired, surfaces, numbbers of rooms, etc
  • Presentation of the first 2D plans + modification if needed
  • Implementation of 3D plans when the project is fixed
  • Choice of materials and colors
  • Contract signature
  • Deposit of the building permit by CVS
  • Development of the work schedule
  • Project monitoring with the architect and the technical director

2nd step : Realization and implementation of the Deco Book with our design agency Pix3D Decoration

  • First meeting to determine your decorative project
  • Development + drafting of specifications
  • Creation of mood boards
  • Creation of 2D layout board
  • Realization of 3D plans
  • Realization of 3D visuals of the landscape spaces
  • Development of the shooping list
  • Realization of custom furniture if necessary
  • Detailed choice of colors and materials of the chosen furniture
  • Written report